As a paranormal investigator I keep seeing people get themselves into trouble playing around with Ouija Boards. So I thought I would tell everyone what to do with a Ouija Board and what not to do with a Ouija Board.
Ouija Board Prayer Of Protection
Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle;
be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray:
and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits
who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
I consider that to be not only the Prayer to St Michael but also the Ouija Board Prayer of Protection. I would not consider using a Ouija Board with out praying that prayer of protection. I will warn you not to mess with things you don't know or understand.
I consider the Ouija Board to be a tool that can be used to make contact with spirits or ghosts trapped here on earth. I think there should be at least three people present anytime the Ouija Board is used and I think the above prayer should be said by all persons present. It doesn't hurt for the oldest person there to say the below.
We claim the power and blood of Jesus Christ over this place that we are in and we ask that the Archangel Michael protect us from evil. Amen.
If you do use a Ouija Board do it with reverence and be honest with yourself. Resist the urge to move the planchette on your own. If you can pour a circle of blessed Holy Water around the Ouija Board.
Write down the questions your going to ask before you start and I suggest you stick to that list.
If you don't feel comfortable using or being around the Ouija Board don't do it. No one can say you have to. If your using a Ouija Board and you start to sweat and feel uncomfortable take your hand off the planchette or Ouija Board. Step away and don't use it again until the next day. Don't even joke about contacting a demon or the devil. I warn you that the devil is very real as are demons and evil.
If you use a Ouija Board and strange things start happening remove the Ouija Board from your house. If you see or hear things that you know are not there seek the help of clergy and get rid of the Ouija Board. Some people will open doorways that other people can not. You do not want to open a doorway and let evil in. This is one way that people have become possessed by demons. Yes demons are very real as is possession.
You Do Realize Exorcisms Are Real Don't You
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