Friday, June 29, 2012

Ghosts, Ghosts, And More Ghosts

One Of The Most Spectacular Orb Photos I Ever Took

I know that not all orbs are paranormal but I carefully checked the above room for dust and insects and neither were there when I took the above photo. Something that was clearly paranormal was in that room when I took that photo. I felt like there was electricity touching me and even though I was the only person in the room I heard a older female voice say " Please Help Me " from over in the direction of the bed. This is in an old closed down Nursing Home in upper Cleveland County North Carolina and the woman that once lived in that room was accidentally burned to death in the bathroom just down the hall.

I've seen ghosts and paranormal activity all my life but I've never seen the paranormal activity that is going on in this building. I've seen full body apparitions, heard a piano play with no one at it and heard many voices of people who clearly were not there.

Do You Believe In Ghosts? If So Click Here

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